It’s July and the sun has definitely got his hat on right now! The allotment garden in July is bursting with greenery and feeling like a real wildlife paradise too. I’m so proud of the fact I managed to navigate my way through Spring, which is feeling less and less predictable with every year of gardening that passes. We had the driest April on record followed by a really wet May this year, causing havoc with young crops which either couldn’t seem to get going off the starting line, or were quickly eaten by slugs the second they did!

Now that July is here, I am feeling so much more positive about things. This is something that happens most years at the allotment plot to be honest. I tend to start in a complete panic, convinced nothing will germinate or grow, only to be totally blown away by the amount of crops that thrive when the summer months arrive!

Right now, my plot is dominated by broad beans and strawberries, both of which seem to be taking off like rockets. I have had so much harvest from them over the past few weeks and have been enjoying fining new recipes to use them in. Broad bean hummus is a must and adding strawberries into salads and smoothies has also used up a fair bit of my glut!

Now, it’s all about the summer beans (I’m growing borlotti) and the tomatoes which are fast producing fruit! The polytunnel has meant my tomatoes have thrived this year and are growing so tall and lush. I already have many flowers appearing and even my first baby green tomatoes which is incredibly exciting.

The gladioli and dahlias are yet to bloom and are growing nice and slowly in their bed. They are sitting in the wings, patiently awaiting their time to burst into life and become the stars of the plot. I can’t wait!

I harvested my early potatoes in June and planted out some more pumpkin varieties in their place. The potatoes were excellent and although I didn’t get many big ones, I did get a really good amount and plenty to use over the course of a few weeks. They tasted amazing and I particularly enjoyed making potato salad, which I find works really well to compliment any summer dinner or lunch dishes.

Brasiccas are out now including Brussel sprouts and broccoli and cauliflower, all of which has been protect by straulch, egg shells and netting. I’m hoping to get a decent harvest from them this year. I did get a great crop of purple sprouting broccoli a few years ago on the plot, but haven’t been so lucky with brassicas since then. I think this might be my year, fingers crossed.


I have a few jobs lined up for July on the plot, including:

  • Keeping on top of weeding
  • Planting out sweetcorn and cosmos
  • Sowing carrots and beetroot
  • Feeding crops
  • Harvesting whatever I can!
  • Painting the fence
  • Topping up and weeding the wildlife pond

Happy gardening!