You don’t have to buy expensive structures for your allotment plot! In fact, making your own structures for crops can…
I live in London, which means like many people my garden is quite small. But you can really make the…
To cover or not to cover, that is the question! So should you cover your growing beds for the winter?…
Decorating the home at Christmas is one of the best ways to embrace the festive spirit come December. Expert gardener…
Allotment plots are fantastic places where you can grow a variety of different fruit and vegetables and flowers. They are…
Winter can be a tough time for the wildlife. With diminishing food supplies, a lack of water source and a…
Better late than never, here’s the next instalment of my new allotment plot! The first couple of months were spent…
At the beginning of September I got my hands on a second allotment plot at my site. It’s a massive…
With the colder weather well on its way, it’s time to prepare the allotment for winter. It’s so easy to…
Growing pumpkins is so much fun, but growing a pumpkin archway is even better! Not only is it pretty magical,…
Hello, my name is Emma. Welcome to my blog where I ramble about everything to do with gardening!