It’s fair to say that the allotment plot in June has been looking a little out of control. I’ll admit, I let my foot off the peddle and as a result, weeds have become my best growing plants of the year so far! We all make mistakes at our allotments.

It’s really easy to fall off the bandwagon with an allotment plot. One or two weeks of neglect, especially in June, and it can feel like you’ve totally lost control of it. Weeds grow easily at this time of year and can double in size within a few days of setting seed. If pathways are allowed to become messy, they will add to the general feel of untidiness and crops that have been left to fend for themselves might have been eaten by slugs or birds.

It can feel very disheartening to return to a plot like this. Personally, I felt like a failure. The allotment plot is my favourite hobby and I am making a career from it, so to see it return to it’s wild roots was a real smack in the face.

However, all was not lost and it isn’t lost for you either if your plot is feeling the same way. There are a few things you can do to regain that control over your allotment plot so that you may have lost.

Of course, it takes hard work and a great deal of determination. But if you stay focussed on your goal and remain positive, you can do it!

Here are some top tips for regaining control of your allotment plot if the weeds are threatening a coup:


Make a plan of the areas of your plot that need the most attention straight away. Then try to figure out how much time you’ll need to spend on each area and what jobs are most pressing. Tackling weeds, resowing seeds, protecting growing plants could all be priorities. Once you have a plan, you’ll feel a little less hopeless!


This could be raised bed by raised bed or just one half of the entire plot. By tackling your overgrown areas bit by bit, you wont feel overwhelmed and you’ll feel like you are making real progress every time you visit.


It’s a good idea to think about what you can do RIGHT NOW to make a positive change to your plot. Could you trim down the grass? Cut back overgrowth on the paths? Top up paths with woodchip? Maybe you could tidy up your shed? All these things might feel insignificant in comparison to your crops and the weeds, but can make a big difference to the general look of the plot and in turn, make you feel more positive!


How do you want your allotment plot to look in 2 weeks time? Or 2 months? Start to think longer term and plan the time you can get down there now. When will you have time to weed that massive raised bed? What crops will I be planting in 2 weeks when the onions and garlic have been pulled up?


Of course, you must not get caught in the trap of over planning. Get stuck in. Accept that bringing you plot back to life again wont be an easy task. it will take will power and hard work, so crack on!

I know it’s not easy to deal with a plot that has gotten a little out of control. I myself have been left pretty devastated by weed invasions. You just want it all sorted immediately. But as the saying goes, Rome wasn’t built in a day. And allotment plots can’t be maintained in a single day. They need consistent attention. Good luck, I know it’s hard but once it’s under control again you will feel AMAZING!

Happy Gardening!