It’s April, which to me is the time to really get going with all those seeds. There are lots of seeds you can sow in April, both inside and outside. Here are some of the things I’ll be sowing in the month of April:

  1. Cosmos

Cosmos flowers are stunning and so good for pollinators. It’s time to get going with the seeds. I’m sowing mine into a tray and then pricking out the ones that grow strongest to pot on later on.

2. Sunflowers

Oh yes, what garden or allotment plot is complete without sunflowers? This is the month I usually start my sunflower seeds. Starting in pots means they are already fairly strong when I plant them outside and are more resistant to slug ad snail attack!

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3. Pumpkins

If you re following my “lets grow a pumpkin” grow a long this year, you’ll know that I have already sown my pumpkins for the archway. Varieties that climb well include: Jack be little, Baby boo, Patty Pans and Uchiki Kuri. I’ve whacked mine into pots and stuck them on a sunny windowsill to germinate, ready to plant outside in late May.

4. Carrots

I’ve been sowing carrots under cloche since February and am continuing to succession sow them throughout the year. Now I am more confident to sow without a cloche. I have even started some in a pot in my courtyard vegetable garden.

5. Sweetpeas

I’ll be starting more sweet peas this month. If you didn’t sow any over the winter time, now is the time to start whacking them in. You can direct sow outside in April, but I prefer to start them in pots so that they are a little stronger when I plant them outside and can handle those pesky slugs!

6. Leeks

I don’t know about you, but I struggle with leeks. I’ve sown some in coir starters and have now whacked them outside. We’ll see if they survive!

7. Dahlias

You can now start your dahlias in pots in a greenhouse or on a sunny windowsill. I live in the South so I don’t bother. I whack them straight into the ground sometime in May when the weather has warmed up consistently.

8. Potatoes

Such an easy crop. I grow mine in grow bags in my vegetable courtyard garden as well as directly into the ground at my allotment plot. Earlies and second earlies can now be planted!

9. Brassicas

Putting all of these together as I’ll be starting mine this month for an Autumn/winter harvest. Broccoli, cauliflower, sprouts and possibly some kale. I’ll start in a tray and prick them out to pot on once they have grown a few leaves!

10. Strawberry plants

If you have bought strawberry plants from the store, you can start whacking them in pots of into a raised bed now! Might I suggest a hanging basket or pot. This keeps them well out of the way of slugs and keeping them off the floor stops them from rotting. If you plant them right outside your kitchen door, you’re more likely to get to them first!

These are the main things I’ll be growing this month. I think the best advice I can give any gardening beginner is to make sure you grow what you eat! It can be so tempting to just whack in everything and anything, but you don’t want to end up with masses of stuff you just don’t eat!