Spring time is finally here, the sun is out and all I can think about is gardening! So let’s look at some of the most common gardening jobs for spring time that you can be getting on with now the weather has cheered up!

However, don’t forget that it’s still early days and though the days are warming up the nights are still cold. Frost can kill plants very quickly so be sure to either cloche anything you put outside or keep it in the greenhouse a bit longer.

The daffodils in bloom

Gardening Jobs for Spring Time!

  1. Mowing the lawn. It’s a little controversial to be saying this, but I do think there is still a place for a mowed lawn in a garden. Not only is it practical for little ones to play on, mowing also helps keep your lawn healthy. By cutting away the tops of the grass strands you are letting in light and space for new shoots to form. Your grass stays green and healthy.
  2. Starting seeds. Lots of seeds can be started in early spring, such as sweet peas, tomatoes, broccoli and sunflowers. You can even directly sow things like carrots and parsnips, just be sure to cloche them to protect from frost.
  3. Tidy your strawberries. Strawberry plants can seem a little untidy in early spring. Remove any runners and brown leaves and give them a good mulch.
  4. Plant some flowers. Oh yes, please do. Especially if you didn’t manage to get those spring bulbs out in time over the Autumn. Lots of pollinators are waking up looking for food, so get those violas and helebores out now!
  5. Tidy up and mulch. After the winter months the garden can look a little rough around the edges. Do a little weeding, clean your furniture up and throw down a nice thick mulch onto your beds. You’ll be thankful you did, and so will your plants!
  6. Enjoy the garden! Listen to the bird song, lay on the grass and enjoy those spring bulbs. Every season is so beautiful, but fleeting. Don’t get too carried away with jobs to be done so that you miss the beauty all around you right now!
Enjoy the springtime!

Here are a few gardening jobs NOT to do just yet!

  1. Don’t plant out vulnerable plants such as dahlias and tomato plants. The frost will definitely kill them!
  2. Don’t remove all the dead foliage from overwintering plants. Insects may still be hiding under them!
  3. Look out for birds nests or places animals might have been hibernating in over the winter months and don’t remove them just yet.
  4. Don’t deadhead all your daffodils if you want more! Leave some to die back naturally and you may find a few more pop up next year!

I hope these little gardening jobs for spring time inspire you to get outside this weekend and dig about in the dirt! It’s the best, and cheapest, form of therapy! Don’t get too carried away with the work that needs to be done. Spring time is all about enjoying the birdsong and the nice weather. The longer days are so amazing and you’ll find your mood lift a little because of it!

Enjoy your gardens!