If you’ve ever wondered whether it’s possible to plant growing herbs from the supermarket then the simple answer is yes! You absolutely can. Not only that, but it’s a great way to grab yourself a few free plants (though it has to be said that growing your own herbs from seed is also really easy!)

If you take a closer look at those potted up supermarket herbs, you’ll see that it is in fact, many many plants in one pot! That’s right, it’s not just one plant in those pots which is why they always look so lush and bursting with fresh leaves to pick. But also why they tend to die quite quickly once purchased, despite how much you try to water them.

Planting growing herbs from he supermarket couldn’t be easier and actually requires almost zero actual gardening knowledge. What’s great is that you can grow on as many of as little of these herbs as you want, depending on how much room you have to keep them!

How do you grow on growing herbs from the supermarket?

Here’s my super easy guide:

  1. Take your growing herbs out of the pot. You’ll be confronted with lots and lots of roots!
  2. Rip off a section, making sure to get some of the green shoots and a good chunk of roots. It’s easier than it seems I promise. Just tear it off.
  3. Place your new section in a good sized pot with some multi purpose compost. Keep watered until growing strong!

Now it’s time to get a little more specific. Different herbs like different environments. Once your herbs are growing strongly, find out what conditions your herb likes and replicate in a pot. For example, Tyme likes full sun and grows well with lots of drainage so think about adding some fine gravel to your pot. Mint is more or a shade lover and it also incredibly good at spreading itself about, so keep contained or you might find it popping up all over your garden.

Why do Supermarket herbs die?

Well, because they aren’t just one plant! They are many plants all stuffed into one pot. It gives the impression of them being really strong, healthy plants bursting with leaves to use in cooking. In reality, they are smothering each other and run out of food very quickly. Potting them on can keep them growing for months!

Can you grow herbs from cuttings?

Absolutely! Simply cut a piece off and pop the stem into water. When you see roots, plant into compost and away they will go!

Should I grow herbs inside or outside?

Herbs are warm loving plants and need plenty of sun (though a few will do well in shade). For this reason they are super easy to grow indoors on a sunny windowsill. However, you can grow them outdoors in the summer when the nighttime temperature starts warming up. Herbs will grow in slightly colder conditions, but wont produce as many leaves. So as long as you can keep them warm and in full sun, you can grow them indoors or outdoors.