Shed organisation is actually really important. Not only will you be able to find everything you need with ease, but when you have a tidy shed you are less likely to get injured by stepping on a rusty nail or a badly placed rake. Shed maintenance is also a lot easier as you are able to get to all those nooks and crannies with ease. Leaks, broken walls and dangerous storm damage can all be fixed quickly and efficiently.

I’m not going to lie and pretend to be the worlds most organised person, because I’m really not! But there are some really easy tips for keeping your shed organised that I wanted to share with you. I hope some of these tips will help or at least make your life a little less chaotic!


Sheds are usually fairly small places with not much floor space. So think shelves. A simple, cheap shelving rack can create an abundance of space very quickly. Built in shelves might be even better and sturdier, meaning less maintenance work for you in the long run. Using shelving space frees up so much room in your shed and can be a really effective way of keeping smaller supplies organised and to hand.


Just as shelving can save space, so can hooks. I simply screwed in some wooden posts and then some more screws half way, creating little hooks for my tools. Now, I find it really easy to just grab a fork or shovel as and when I need to, and it also stops too much mud ending up all over the floor, which can become slippery!


You’ll need a rubbish bin in your shed! You’ll be surprised how much rubbish you can acquire when working in your garden or shed, so a rubbish bin to hand is pretty useful. If your shed is at an allotment plot, think about getting a lid for it too. Animals love the smell of empty biscuit packets, and you don’t want to find a family of mice moving in!


On my floor, I’ve stapled down some tarpaulin which I find easy to wipe clean from much. But a doormat or old rug might work just as well. I often walk into my shed with muddy boots, so being able to clean the floor quickly and easily is a must for me!


Look on pinterest for clever storage solutions for your shed, it’s absolutely full of them! Boxes and pots are essential for keeping those smaller things together and organised. There’s a clever pot trick where you superglue the lid to the underneath of a shelf and then screw the pot in place with whatever you need in them. I think it’s just genius!


I love my shed, it’s my little sanctuary. So making it look good is a priority for me. I stapled some pretty flower garlands to the roof as well as a little washing line. Now I can hang up my gardening gloves and dry flowers when I want to, all while making the shed look quaint and pretty!