January is the perfect month to start preparing your allotment garden for spring planting! It’s also a great time to be getting outdoors. I often feel the affects of the post-christmas blues and spending just a few hours a week outdoors in my allotment makes a massive difference to my mood. So enough of the excuses, here are some allotment garden jobs to be getting on with in January:

  1. Mulch your raised beds. I would really encourage you to go no-dig in your garden. Not only is it better for the environment, it also saves you an awful lot of weeding. It’s really easy to do as well. Simply layer on cardboard and whatever organic matter you can, a bit like a sandwich. No need to dig it in, the worms will do the rest of the work for you.

2. Save water! Now is the time to think about water ready for the summer. Consider putting in a water bin or some guttering along your shed roof. Collect as much water as you can now, you’ll thank yourself once the summer comes around!

3. Woodchip those paths. If you use wood chip on your allotment paths, top them up now. Not only will it instantly make your plot look maintained and neat, it will stop the paths from becoming too muddy and slippery during the spring time if we end up getting a lot of rain.

4. Plant out broad beans, onions, garlic and chard. You’ll be surprised by how many things you can get started on at this time of year. Anything that can be planted out in Autumn can be planted out now. It’s not too late to whack in a few spring bulbs too (do this now though!)

5. Build those structures now! Yes, now BEFORE you actually sow or plant out. I’ve built my sweet pea structure and secured my archway for my mini pumpkins. I actually really enjoy building structures on my allotment plot and like to use as many natural materials as possible to give it a really rustic look!

Any other jobs you’re up to in January? Let me know in the comments!