I thought I would start the year by jotting down my New Years Resolutions for the garden. I’ve come a long way since taking on my first allotment plot 2 years ago. Gardening is a journey, a constant learning curve and I am always looking to improve and learn all I can. I’m not an expert, but what I lack in knowledge I make up for in determination, enthusiasm and work ethic. I don’t shy away from hard work, that’s for sure!

So here are my resolutions for 2022:

  1. To go no-dig! When I took my allotment plot on, it was covered in brambles. I was new to gardening and so away I dug, ripping up roots and then turning over soil more often than the tide washes up on the beach. I became obsessed with digging. Now, however, I am in a position where digging is just wasting my time and actually, harming the biodiversity of my plot! So I’m going no dig. I’m excited to share my journey with you!
  2. Protect my plants BEFORE slug attacks. Oh yes, I was the idiot whacking in new seedlings and then assuming the slugs wouldn’t find them. My poor sunflowers definitely paid the price for that! So this year, I will be preventing as many attacks as I can before they happen!

3. Grow another pumpkin arch! Probably one of my proudest achievements of 2021 was my amazing pumpkin arch. Of course, the only photos I got of it were on my phone, but it was pretty magnificent. I grew baby boos and jack be littles. In 2022 I’d like to be a little more adventurous with my pumpkin varieties. I’ll share more soon!

4. Succession sow more crops. I’m so terrible at this. It’s like I am just waiting on a crop to completely disappear before I even think about sowing something in it’s place. I must remember to resow lines of carrots and beetroot BEFORE I have harvested the previous row, so that I have something to harvest most of the time!

5. Don’t forget to stop and see the beauty in nature. Possibly the most important resolution of 2022. The seasons change faster than I realise sometimes, and often I’ve found myself forgetting to slow down and actually take in the beauty of the plants all around me. So this year, one day a week, I will go to my plot to purely look. No work, no weeding. Just pictures and time to look and take it all in.

What are your 2022 Gardening New Year Resolutions?